研究室の伊藤くんが,以下の研究について日本機械学会 第99期 流体工学部門 講演会で発表してくれました.
英文タイトル:Study on flow field and remote suction performance of tornado generator with cap-shaped rotating disk
Abstract : Flow visualization experiments with smoke and particle image velocimetry are conducted to investigate the characteristics of tornado-like swirling flow generated by a tornado-type remote suction device. The experimental parameters controlled in this flow are configuration of the rotating disk and rotation number. The results obtained are as follows. Swirling flow with capshaped rotating disk is stronger than that with flat rotating disk. In addition, outer fins attached on cap-shaped rotating disk strengthen the flow generated by rotating disk. The larger the degree from horizontal plane of cap-shaped rotating disk is, the stronger the swirling flow generated by the disk becomes. Proper balance of upflow and swirling flow is required to generate stable tornado-like swirling flow. Under the condition of tornado generation, the tangential velocity component of tornado becomes larger for smaller disk angle from horizontal plane.
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